Frequently asked questions


If your question is not answered here, feel free to call or text us at (734) 218-0476.


How often will you mow / service my property?

Once per week for approximately 26 to 28 weeks during the southeast Michigan mowing season, which typically runs mid-April through October.

Do I need to be home when you mow / service my property?

No. Feel free to communicate any special instructions you have about your property via phone or text, (734) 218-0476.

What if I don’t like something about my service?

Call or text (734) 218-0476 and we will do our best to make it right.

Do I need to sign a contract or service agreement?

No. You can cancel your service at any time, for any reason.    

How much do you charge?

It depends on the size and detail of your property. Call or text (734) 218-0476 for a free estimate. We will usually have an estimate to you in less than 24 hours.

What if it rains on the day of my service?

We will notify you which day we will return to service your property.

I don’t water my lawn and it hasn’t rained in a while. Can I skip a week of service without being charged? 

Of course. If you can let us know ahead of time, before we show up at your property, that would be helpful. (Some customers prefer to have their yards maintained weekly, even during dry spells.)